Flooding on Rural Landscapes - April 04, 2014

Flooding on Rural Landscapes - April 04, 2014
The Legislation and Policy Committee is hosting a workshop on Flooding
on Rural Landscapes: Responsibilities and Liabilities at the Cochrane
Ranchehouse on Friday April 4th, 2014 from 8:30am – 3:30pm.
The four themes of the workshop are below.
1. Understanding flood dynamics: There will be flooding in the Bow
Basin in the future. Each flood will be different. Flooding is designed
by nature and provides many benefits to the natural world. Riparian
areas are regenerated through flood events through influx of sediments,
nutrients and energy. Flooding occurs where energy dissipation is
possible. Re-channelization occurs within floodplains and creates new
2. Impacts on Rural landscapes: Rural areas and
small urban centres can be devastated in a flood. Not only loss of
homes and businesses but contaminated wells and inundated septic
systems. Landscapes remain under water for the growing season. Rural
areas do not have the capacity to deal with floods the same way as in
large urban centres.
3. Taking a broad comprehensive approach
to planning for flood events: There are some locations where rebuilding
is not an option. These locations need to be identified and managed as
natural areas that can accommodate future flood events. The landscapes
perform the flood mitigation or flood accommodation function necessary
to sustain the river or stream corridor. Relocation of some dwellings
and businesses should be ongoing. Land use planning in flood risk areas
needs an overhaul. Flood-proofing should not be an option.
4. Understanding the social/political effects of flooding: Understanding
the reality of social, political and economic costs associated with
large scale flood events needs to remain top of mind. Who benefits and
who pays from inappropriate land use in flood risk areas? Who should
bear the risk?
If you would like to attend please register by using the following link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/brbc-lp-flooding-on-rural-landscapes-responsibilities-and-liabilities-tickets-10976516055
More details to follow......
Thank you,
Mike Murray
Program Manager
Bow River Basin Council, Phone: 403.268.4597, Fax:403.268.6931
Email: mike.murray@calgary.ca, www.brbc.ab.ca
Manchester Building M
Mail Code #414, P.O. Box 2100 Station M, Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
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