Sunday, April 1, 2012

IGFA's Cash for Poons Program

DANIA BEACH, FL—The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) announced today it is awarding a $10,000 cash purse to the angler who successfully docks the Sunshine State’s last world-record tarpon.

“With depleting tarpon stocks the world over, the IGFA has made it a mission to document world-record catches in order to keep a photographic record of some very big dead tarpon,” says IGFA President Bob Cramer. “Thanks to these preservation efforts the memories of once-living tarpon remain forever etched in the annuls of our high-gloss catalogs.”

Scientists estimate there are a half-dozen world-record tarpon—worthy of gaffing and stringing up by the gills—still swimming the fertile waters of the Florida Keys.

Conservationists admit they are confused by the IGFA’s move, but remain optimistic. Chaz McDougal of the Ethical Eradication of Tarpon Association (EETA) says, “Although we are alarmed by the ‘cash-for-kill’ prerogative being set here, our research tells us that tarpon feel pain. At least by systematically wiping them off the planet, we can finally get some sleep at night.”

Via: The Drake Magazine

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